Hi! I am a Ph.D. student at University of California, Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering. I am a part of ICON lab where I am advised by Prof. Negar Mehr. My research interest lies in the broad area of control for robotics, where I especially focus on risk-aware control and reinforcement learning.

Before joining University of California, Berkeley, I began my graduate studies in Aerospace Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I started working with Prof. Negar Mehr, with whom I transferred to Berkeley. I received my B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, from Seoul National University, South Korea. During my undergraduate studies, I participaed several projects in the field of Aerospace engineering, such as the 2019 Spaceport America Cup, UAV state estimation, and image processing for drones. I was a receipient of Robert Beatty Fellowships from UIUC and National Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship from the Korean government.
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Autonomous Systems · Robot Planning and Control · Control theory · Reinforcement Learning

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Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Berkeley Spring 2024 - Present
Advisor: Prof. Negar Mehr

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Ph.D student in Aerospace Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Fall 2022 - Fall 2023
Advisor: Prof. Negar Mehr

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B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, Summa Cum Laude
Seoul National University Spring 2016 - Spring 2022

  • Emma Clark*, Kanghyun Ryu*, Negar Mehr, "Adaptive Teaching in Heterogeneous Agents: Balancing Surprise in Sparse Reward Scenarios," 2024 Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), arXiv
  • Kanghyun Ryu, Negar Mehr, "Integrating Predictive Motion Uncertainties with Distributionally Robust Risk-Aware Control for Safe Robot Navigation in Crowds," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), arXiv
  • Kanghyun Ryu, Jiseock Kang, Dongjoon Lee, "Performance Comparison between EKF and UKF in GPS/INS Low Observability Conditions," 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), paper

Honors & Awards
  • William C. Webster Graduate Fellowship, University of California Berkeley, 2024
  • Conference Travel Grant for L4DC, University of California Berkeley, 2024
  • IEEE RAS Travel Grant for ICRA, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 2024
  • Travel Grant for CES 2024, Hyundai Mobis, 2024
  • Robert Beatty Fellowship, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022
  • Summa Cum Laude, Seoul National University, 2022
  • Tomorrow’s Edge Membership - College of Engineering Honor Society, Seoul National University, 2020
  • National Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship, Korean Government, 2018

Other Experiences & Extracurricular Activities

Polytechnique Montréal Research Internship Fall 2021
  • Developed a multi-spectral saliency detection code based on global contrast saliency detection algorithm
  • Contributed to a ROS package processing Micasense multi-spectral image in DJI manifold
  • Advised by Prof. Giovanni Beltrame
SK Hynix Summer Internship in DRAM Packaging R & D team Summer 2020
  • Improved dicing quality by proposing a new singulation process
  • Conducted wafer inspection with Auto-Visual-Inspection (AVI) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
  • Presented Low-k HBM Laser+Blade Saw Set up development" project and won the best presentation award
2019 Spaceport America Cup Summer 2019
  • Developed avionics system for 10,000ft solid rocket
  • Implemented extended Kalman  lter on Raspberry Pi module for fusing GPS, IMU, and altimeter
SNU Student Rocket Team HANARO Vice-President Fall 2017 - Summer 2018
  • Developed a solid rocket system with target apogee 3,000ft, Organized design criteria and managed sub-teams
  • Developed a new AN-based rocket propellant for high thrust rocket
  • Won 1st Prize in 27th National Universities' Rocket Engineering Competition, 2018

Teaching Experience
  • Tutor, Compressible Fluid Dynamics, Seoul National University, Spring 2021
  • Tutor, Introduction to Calculus, Seoul National University, Winter 2020
  • Director and Instructor, Space Challenger Camp, Summer 2017
    • Developed and directed outreach program for high school students focusing on rocket engineering
    • Supported by Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity (KOFAC)

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